Amazing Reasons for Using Pretend Toys

Play is an essential part of early childhood, without which no child will be adequately equipped for life. Some might consider imaginary play as sheer entertainment, but it is far from that.

The merits of pretend toys

Pretend play toys isn’t just a simple pastime, it’s an effective stimulator of a child’s creativity. Through the use of make-believe toys like dolls, figurines, kitchen sets, and costumes; imaginary worlds are created. In these fictional settings kids can be anything they want to be from superheroes to astronauts.  The type of playing involved here is creative since they have to come up with stories and scenarios on the fly.

Another major function that comes with role-playing is the ability to socialize. While playing pretend they’ll be forced to take turns, figure out how to share roles, and cooperate with one another. Furthering this is the capability for them to imagine themselves as someone different and engage with others during playtime.

In the world of imagination, children can express and process their feelings in a safe atmosphere.  For example, a child can play with a doll to express his fear of darkness and pretend to be a doctor who is giving comfort to a patient.

During imaginative play, kids also often exercise using their bodies when constructing blocks or even while dressing up. Apart from promoting general physical well-being, engaging in such physical activities helps discourage sedentary behaviors and avoid related health problems.

Children in role playing situations frequently encounter math, science, history, and reading. When learning is incorporated into play, children not only learn about these subjects more deeply but also foster a favorable view of learning.

It’s easy to think that toys are just distractions from the real world when in reality it serves a purpose. And it’s not just making kids smile.  Another thing that it does is enhance their ability to navigate through social situations and control emotions.

You might notice how well-rounded an individual is if they had access to pretend play as a child growing up. It’s also a good indicator that they’ll have imaginative minds too when faced with life’s problems. But you shouldn’t just limit role-play activities to kids, rather we should encourage it because there is much more at stake than we realize.


Parents, teachers, caregivers alike need to understand this fact and let children enjoy moments where they can make-believe themselves as someone else or pretend to be in a different scenario that mimics real-life situations